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Publications & Pdfs


En prensa. Dimarco RD, Nacif ME, Garibaldi LA y Nuñez MA. Higher establishment of nonnative trees with increased harvest intensity in strip cuttings. New Forests.

En prensa. Giustiniani E, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. Crop sequence intensification: Meta-analysis of soil organic carbon and aggregate stability in Argentina. European Journal of Soil Science.

En prensa. Fioroni F, Naón S, Fernández NV y Garibaldi LA. The growth and mycorrhization of young Berberis Microphylla G. Forst. plants are differently affected by organic and inorganic fertilizers, depending on the substrate. Symbiosis.

En prensa. Reilly J, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. Wild insects and honey bees are equally important to crop yields in a global
analysis. Global Ecology and Biogeography.

En prensa. Sagili RR, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. Standard methods for pollination research with Apis mellifera. Journal of Apicultural Research.

En prensa. Santibáñez FA, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. Searching to improve connectivity in fragmented landscapes: road verges as complementary habitats. Applied Vegetation Science.

En prensa. de Paz M, Ocariz P, Raffo F, et al., Garibaldi LA. Primer mapeo de huertas urbanas en Bariloche: herramienta de investigación y gestión. Revista Iberoamericana de Viticultura, Agroindustria y Ruralidad 11.

(232) Rasmussen LV, Grass I, Mehrabi et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2024. Agricultural diversification promotes environmental and social synergies. Science.

(231) Burian A, Kremen C, Wu J, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2024. Biodiversity-production feedback effects lead to intensification traps in agricultural landscapes. Nature Ecology & Evolution. DOI: 10.21203/

(230) Martínez LC, Haedo JP, Pérez-Méndez N, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2024. Nutrient addition increases insect herbivory in Nothofagus antarctica on North-Patagonian forests. Forest Ecology and Management 558: 121769.

(229) Mattioli D, de Paz M y Garibaldi LA. 2023. Cambios transformadores en ciudades: experiencias de la horticultura urbana en Bariloche (Río Negro, Argentina). Eutopía 24: 73-94.

(228) Hernández-Agüero JA, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2024. Forest management affects ecosystem functioning (predation and herbivory) but not ecosystem constancy: A comparative study across four forest ecosystems around the world. Global Ecology and Conservation 49: e02780.

(227) Fernández AR, Gleiser G, Aizen Ma y Garibaldi LA. 2023. Intercropping functionally similar species reduces yield losses due to herbivory. A meta-analytical approach. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 361: 108800.

(226) Oddi FJ, Márquez Torres A, Pompeu JA, et al., Garibaldi LA. 2023. Plataformas de modelado de servicios ecosistémicos: el norte de la Patagonia como un ejemplo de aplicación: Modelado de servicios ecosistémicos. Ecología Austral 33: 894-908.

(225) Oddi FJ, Márquez Torres A, Pompeu JA, et al., Garibaldi LA. 2023. Plataformas de modelado de servicios ecosistémicos: el norte de la Patagonia como un ejemplo de aplicación: Modelado de servicios ecosistémicos. Ecología Austral 33: 894-908.

(224) Saez A, Garibaldi LA, Aizen A, et al. 2023. Phenological overlap between crop and pollinators: contrasting influence of native and non-native bees on raspberry fruit over the flowering season. Journal of Applied Ecology 60: 2540-2549.

(223) Garibaldi LA, Zermoglio PF, Jobbagy E, et al. 2023. How to design multifunctional landscapes? Journal of Applied Ecology 60:2521-2527.

(222) Torretta JP, Marrero HJ, González-Vaquero R y Garibaldi LA. 2023. Solitary bees in Pampean agroecosystems: a review about current status of knowledge. Journal of Apicultural Research 1-20.

(221) Giménez-García A, Allen-Perkins A, Bartomeus I, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. Pollination supply models from local to global scale. Web Ecology 23: 99–129.

(220) Daykin GM, Aizen MA, Barrett LG, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. A checklist to improve reporting standards in ecological research in agriculture. PLOS ONE 18: e0285478.

(219) Varela SA, Diez JP, Letourneau F, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. Does competition management improve the ecophysiological response to water shortage of mixed woodland species of North Patagonia? Forest Ecology and Management 541: 121039.

(218) Hernandez-Aguero JA, Ruiz-Tapiador I, Garibaldi LA,  et al. 2023. The effects of human population density on trophic interactions are contingent upon latitude. bioRxiv, 2023-08.

(217) Warrit N, Ascher J, Basu P, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. Opportunities and challenges in Asian bee research and conservation. Biological Conservation: 110173.

(216) Ardanov P, Piorr A, Doernberg A, Brodt S, Lauruol JB, Kazakova I, Movchan V y Garibaldi LA. 2023. Combination of observational and functional trait-based approaches in developing a polyculture design tool for agroecological vegetable farmers. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems: 1-26.

(215) Cortés-Gómez AM, González-Chaves A, Urbina-Cardona N y Garibaldi LA. 2023. Functional Traits in Bees: the Role of Body Size and Hairs in the Pollination of a Passiflora Crop. Neotropical Entomology.

(214) Leguizamón L, Goldenberg MG, Jobbágy E, Seppelt R y Garibaldi LA. 2023. Environmental potential for crop production and tenure regime influence fertilizer application and soil nutrient mining in soybean and maize crops. Agricultural Systems 210: 103690.

(213) Kremen C, Wu J, Beckmann M, Bulling M, Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. Biodiversity-production feedback effects lead to intensification traps in agricultural landscapes. Nature Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.21203/

(212) Nabaes Jodar DN, Pérez-Méndez N, Botías C, Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. Removing non-crop flowers within orchards promotes the decline of pollinators, not their conservation: A comment on McDougall et al. (2021). Insect Conservation and Diversity.

(211) ​​Nacif ME, Goldenberg MG, Oddi FJ, Pastorino M, Aparicio A y Garibaldi LA. 2023. Plantación de especies forestales nativas en matorrales de Patagonia norte: respuesta a la apertura inicial de dosel en sitios contrastantes. Bosque 44: 219-239.

(210) ​Szudruk Pascual MN, Chillo V, Amoroso MM y Garibaldi LA. 2023. Functional Traits Mediate the Natural Enemy Response to Land- Use at the Local Scale. Sustainability 15: 7469.​

(209) ​DeClerck F, Barrios E, Benton TG, Estrada-Carmona N, Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. Biodiversity, Agriculture and Sustainable Production: GBF Target 10. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 2: e0000048.

(208) ​Bleach J, Mehrabi Z, Wittman H, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. Against the odds: network and institutional pathways enabling agricultural diversification. One Earth 6.

(207) ​Pastur G, Amoroso MM, Baldi G, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. ¿Qué es un bosque nativo en la Argentina? Marco conceptual para una correcta definición de acuerdo con las políticas institucionales nacionales y el conocimiento científico disponible. Ecología Austral 152–169.

(206) Obura D, Agrawal A, DeClerck F, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2023. Prioritizing sustainable use in the Kunming-Montreal global biodiversity framework. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 2: e0000041.

(205) Nabaes Jodar DN, García IM, Goldenberg MG y Garibaldi LA. 2023. Producción de restos vegetales y descomposición de hojarasca foliar bajo distintas intensidades de corta en fajas en matorrales. Ecología Austral 33: 178–187.

(204) Goldenberg MG, Santibáñez Ossa F, Burian A, et al., Garibaldi LA. 2023. Landscape configuration is an important predictor of sunflower yield in the Argentinean Pampas. Ecología Austral 33: 170-177.

(203) Naón S, Goldenberg MG, Puntieri JG, et al., Garibaldi LA. 2022. El área ecológica y la sección del brote de origen son claves para el enraizamiento de estacas de Berberis microphylla, un arbusto de la Patagonia con frutos comestibles. Bosque (Valdivia) 43: 349-357.

(202) Requier F, et al., Garibaldi LA. 2022. Bee and non-bee pollinator importance for local food security. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 38: 196-205.

​(201) Smith MR, Mueller ND, Springmann M, Sulser TB, Garibaldi LA, et al. 2022. Pollinator deficits, lost food consumption, and consequences for human health: a modeling study. Environmental Health Perspectives.

(200) Garibaldi LA, Goldenberg MG, Burian A, et al. 2022. Smaller agricultural fields, more edges, and natural habitats reduce herbicide-resistant weeds. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.

(199) Pérez-Méndez N, Alcaraz C, Bertolero A, Català-Forner M, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2022. Agricultural policies against invasive species generate contrasting outcomes in climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289: 20221081.

(198) Magrach A, Gimenez-Garcia A, Allen-Perkins A, Garibaldi LA y Bartomeus I. 2022. Increasing crop richness and reducing field sizes provides higher yields to pollinator-dependent crops. Journal of Applied Ecology.​

(197) Oddi FJ, Casas C, Goldenberg MG, et al., Garibaldi LA. 2022. Modeling potential site productivity for Austrocedrus chilensis trees in northern Patagonia (Argentina). Forest Ecology and Management 524: 120525.

(196) Hünicken PL, Morales CL, De Villalobos AE y Garibaldi LA. 2022. Evaluation of interactions between honeybees and alternative managed pollinators: a meta-analysis of their effect on crop productivity.  Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 340: 108156.

(195) Fioroni F, Fernández NV, Fernández MM y Garibaldi LA. 2022. La disponibilidad de luz limita la producción frutícola del calafate en un matorral mixto nativo (Río Negro, Argentina). Ecología Austral 984–989.

(194) Goldenberg MG, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2022. Effects of natural habitat composition and configuration, environment and agricultural input on soybean and maize yields in Argentina. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 339:108133.

(193) Cetra M, Garibaldi LA, et al. 2022. Taxonomic and functional diversity patterns of stream fish assemblages from Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. Fisheries Management and Ecology.

(192) Santibáñez FA, Joseph J, Abramson G, Kuperman MN, Laguna MF y Garibaldi LA. 2022. Designing crop pollination services: A spatially explicit agent-based model for real agricultural landscapes. Ecological Modelling 472: 110094.

(191) Aizen MA, Garibaldi LA y Harder L. 2022. Myth and reality of a global crisis for agricultural pollination. Ecología Austral 32.

(190) Ceballos S, Blundo C, Malizia A, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2022. RAPP: Una red de parcelas permanentes para promover colaboraciones científicas orientadas a entender la dinámica de los bosques nativos de Argentina. Ecología Austral 32.

(189) Mashilingi SK, Zhang H, Garibaldi LA y An J. 2022. Honeybees are far too insufficient to supply optimum pollination services in agricultural systems worldwide. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 335, 108003.


(188) Pérez-Méndez N, van Doorn L, Fernández MM, Català-Forner MM, Martínez L y Garibaldi LA. 2022. Bottom-up effects of woodland eutrophication: interacting limiting nutrients determine herbivory frequency in northwestern Patagonia. Science of the Total Environment 151608.

(187) Agüero JI, Coulin C, Torretta JP y Garibaldi LA. 2022. Invader complexes or generalist interactions? Seasonal effects of a disturbance gradient on plants and floral visitors. Forest Ecology and Management 506:119963.

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(186) Garibaldi LA, Gómez Carella DS, Nabaes Jodar DN, Smith MR, Timberlake TP y Myers SS. 2022. Exploring connections between pollinator health and human health. Philosophical Transactions B. 377(1853), 20210158.

(185) Galetto L, Aizen MA, Del Coro Arizmendi M, Freitas BM, Garibaldi LA, Giannini TC, Lopes AV, Do Espírito Santo MM, Maués MM, Nates-Parra G, Rodriguez JI, Quezada-Euán JJG, Vandame R, Viana BF e Imperatriz-Fonseca V. 2022. Risks and opportunities associated with pollinators’ conservation and management of pollination services in Latin America. Ecología Austral. 32:055-076.

(184) Allen-Perkins A, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2021. CropPol: a dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. Ecology. e3614.

(183) González Chaves A, Carvalheiro L, Garibaldi LA y Metzger JP. 2021. Positive forest cover effects on coffee yields are consistent across regions. Journal of Applied Ecology. 59(1), 330-341.

(182) Chaplin-Kramer R, Brauman KA, Cavender-Bares J, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2021. Conservation needs to integrate knowledge across scales. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 6(2), 118-119.

(181) Fernández MM, Casas C, Bedano JC, Eissenstat DM, Kaye MW, García IM, Kun ME y Garibaldi LA. 2021. Mite density, not diversity, declines with biomass removal in Patagonian woodlands. Applied Soil Ecology 169:104242.

(180) Huaylla CA, Nacif ME, Coulin C, Kuperman MN y Garibaldi LA. 2021. Decoding information in multilayer ecological networks: the keystone species case. Ecological Modelling 460:109734.

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(179) Garibaldi LA, Pérez-Méndez N, Cordeiro GD et al. 2021. Negative impacts of dominance on bee communities: Does the influence of invasive honey bees differ from native bees?. Ecology 0(0):e03526.

(178) Trinco FD, Rusch VE, Howison RA, Garibaldi LA, y Tittonell PA. 2021. Implications of landscape configuration on understory forage productivity: a remote sensing assessment of native forests openings. Agroforestry Systems 1-14.

(177) Bergamo P, Wolowski M, Tambosi L, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2021. Areas requiring restoration efforts are a complementary opportunity to support the demand for pollination service in Brazil. Environmental Science & Technology 55:12043-12053.

(176) Dicks LV, Breeze TD, Ngo HT, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2021. A global-scale expert assessment of drivers and risk associated with pollinator decline. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5:1453–1461.

(175) Garratt MDP, Groot GA, Albrecht M, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2021. Opportunities to reduce pollination deficits and address production shortfalls in an important insect pollinated crop. Ecological Applications. 31(8):e02445.

(174) Gómez Carella DS y Garibaldi LA. 2021. Necesitamos recuperar un 20% de Hábitats Nativos para producir mejor. Revista Agropost - CPIA nro. 176.

(173) Garibaldi LA y Gómez Carella DS. 2021. El valor de los polinizadores para una agricultura sustentable. Revista COPIME 42:50-55.

(172) Hünicken PL, Morales CL, Aizen MA, Anderson GKS, García N y Garibaldi LA. 2021. Insect pollination enhances yield stability in two pollinator-dependent crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 320:107573.

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(171) Garibaldi LA, Aizen MA, Saez A, Gleiser G, Strelin M y Harder LD. 2021. The influences of progenitor filtering, domestication selection and the boundaries of nature on the domestication of grain crops. Functional Ecology 35:1998-2011.

(170) Oddi FJ, Goldenberg MG, Nacif M, Heinemann K y Garibaldi LA. 2021. Supervivencia y crecimiento de plantines de ciprés de la cordillera durante siete años en dos sitios contrastantes de Patagonia norte. Ecología Austral 31:204-215.

(169) Mashilingi SK, Zhang H, Chen W, Vaissière BE, Garibaldi LA y An J. 2021. Temporal trends in pollination deficits and its potential impacts on Chinese Agriculture. Journal of Economic Entomology 114:1431–1440.

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(168) Goldenberg MG, Oddi FJ, Gowda JH y Garibaldi LA. 2021. Shrubland management in Northwestern Patagonia: an evaluation of its short-term efffects on mutiple ecosystem services. Cap. 5 en Ecosystem services in Patagonia: A multi-criteria approach for an integrated assessment (eds. Peri PL, Martínez-Pastur G y Nahuelhual L), Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, Suiza, ISBN 978-3-030-69165-3.

(167) Gemmill-Herren B, Garibaldi LA, Kremen C y Ngo HT. 2021. Building effective policies to conserve pollinators: translating knowledge into policy. Current Opinion in Insect Science 46:64-71.

(166) D’Annolfo R, Gemmill-Herren B, Amudavi D, Shiraku HW, Piva M y Garibaldi LA. 2021. The effects of agroecological farming systems on smallholder livelihoods: a case study on push-pull system from Western Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 19:56-70.

(165) Goldenberg MG, Nacif M, Oddi FJ y Garibaldi LA. 2021. Early response of Nothofagus antarctica forests to thinning intensity in northern Patagonia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51:493-499.

(164) Senapathi D, Fründ J, Albrecht M, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2021. Wild insect diversity increases inter-annual stability in global crop pollinator communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288:20210212.

(163) Jobbágy EG, Aguiar S, Piñeiro G y Garibaldi LA. 2021. Impronta ambiental de la agricultura de granos en Argentina: revisando desafíos propios y ajenos. Ciencia Hoy 29:55-64.

(162) Behrends Kraemer F, Morrás H, Fernández PL, Duval M, Galantini J y Garibaldi LA. 2021. Influence of edaphic and management factors on soils aggregates stability under no-tillage in Mollisols and Vertisols of the Pampa Region, Argentina. Soil & Tillage Research 209:104901.

(161) Nacif ME, Quintero C y Garibaldi LA. 2021. Intermediate harvesting intensities enhance native tree performance of contrasting species while conserving herbivore diversity in a Patagonian woodland. Forest Ecology and Management  483:118719.

(160) Agüero JI, Pérez-Mendez N, Torretta JP y Garibaldi LA. 2020. Impact of invasive bees on plant-pollinator interactions and reproductive success of plant species in mixed Nothofagus antarctica forests. Neotropical Entomology 49:557-567.

(159) Brauman KA, Garibaldi LA, Polasky S, et al. 2020. Status and Trends - Nature’s Contributions to People (NCP). Cap. 2.3 en Global assessment report of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (eds. Brondizio ES, Settele, J., Díaz S y Ngo H), University Press.

(158) Garibaldi LA, Kremen C, Ellis EC y Díaz S. 2020. To save threatened plants and animals, restore habitat on farms, ranches and other working lands. The Conversation.

(157) Gómez Carella DS, Pérez-Méndez N y Garibaldi LA. 2020. Diversity as a source of agricultural employment. Bees for Development Journal 137:10-11.

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(156) Brauman KA, Garibaldi LA, Polasky S, Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y, et al. 2020. Global trends in nature’s contributions to people. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 117:32799-32805.

(155) Goldenberg MG, Cardoso YA, Oddi FJ y Garibaldi LA. 2020. Fuelwood energy characteristics and biomass equations of the dominant species of northern Patagonia shrublands (Argentina). Southern Forests 82:56-64.

(154) Tittonell P, Piñeiro G, Garibaldi LA, Dogliotti S, Olff H, Jobbagy EG. 2020. Agroecology in large scale farming – a research agenda. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4:584605.

(153) Aizen MA, Arbetman MP, Chacoff NP, Chalcoff VR, Feinsinger P, Garibaldi LA, et al. 2020. Invasive bees and their impact on agriculture. Advances in Ecological Research 63:49-92.

(152) Vanbergen AJ, Aizen MA, Cordeau S, Garibaldi LA, et al. 2020. Transformation of agricultural landscapes in the Anthropocene: Nature’s contributions to people, agriculture and food security. Advances in Ecological Research 63:193-253.

(151) Gonzalez Musso RF, Oddi FJ, Goldenberg MG y Garibaldi LA. 2020. Applying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to map shrubland structural attributes in northern Patagonia, Argentina. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 50:615-623.

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(150) Garibaldi LA, Oddi FJ, Miguez FE, Bartomeus I, et al. 2020. Working landscapes need at least 20% native habitat. Conservation Letters 14:e12773.

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(149) Díaz S, Zafra-Calvo N, Purvis A, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2020. Set ambitious goals for biodiversity and sustainability: Multiple, coordinated goals and holistic actions are critical. Science 370:411-413.

(148) Oddi FJ, Miguez FE, Benedetti GG y Garibaldi LA. 2020. Cuando la variabilidad varía: “heterocedasticidad” y funciones de varianza. Ecología Austral 30:437-452.

(147) Zamorano J, Bartomeus I, Grez AA y Garibaldi LA. 2020. Field margin floral enhancements increase pollinator diversity at the field edge but show no consistent spillover into the crop field: A meta-analysis. Insect Conservation and Diversity 13:519-531.

(146) Garibaldi LA, Pérez-Méndez N, Míguez FE y Gómez Carella DS. 2020. Políticas para lograr una intensificación ecológica en la agricultura. Cap 11 en Sistemas Productivos Sostenibles (ed. Satorre EH). CREA, ISBN 978-987-1513-31-4.

(145) Hünicken PL, Morales CL, García N y Garibaldi LA. 2020. Insect pollination, more than plant nutrition, determines yield quantity and quality in apple and pear. Neotropical Entomology 49:525-532.

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(144) Joseph J, Santibáñez F, Laguna MF, Abramson G, Kuperman MN y Garibaldi LA. 2020. A spatially extended model to assess the role of landscape structure on the pollination service of Apis mellifera. Ecological Modelling 431:109201.

(143) Aguiar S, Texeira M, Garibaldi LA y Jobbágy E. 2020. Global changes in crop diversity: trade rather than production enriches supply. Global Food Security 26:100385.

(142) Garibaldi LA, Azzu N, Viana B, Hipólito J, Dondo M y Gómez Carella DS. 2020. Common approach for socio-economic valuation of pollinator-friendly practices. Cap14 en Towards sustainable crop pollination services: measures at field, farm and landscape scales (eds. Gemmill-Herren B, Azzu N, Bicksler A y Guidotti A), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Roma. ISBN 978-92-5-132578-0.

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(141) Wanger TC, DeClerck F, Garibaldi LA, et al. 2020. Integrating agroecological production in a robust post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4:1150-1152.

(140) Goldenberg MG, Oddi FJ, Gowda JH y Garibaldi LA. 2020. Effects of firewood harvesting intensity on biodiversity and ecosystem services in shrublands of northern Patagonia. Forest Ecosystems 7:47.

(139) Tálamo A, de Casenave JL, Garibaldi LA y Núñez-Regueiro M. 2020. Direct and indirect relationships between logging intensity and regeneration of two timber species in the Dry Chaco of Argentina. Forest Ecology and Management 474:118343.

(138) Chillo V, Goldenberg M, Pérez-Méndez N y Garibaldi LA. 2020. Diversity, functionality, and resilience under increasing harvesting intensities in woodlands of Northern Patagonia. Forest Ecology and Management 474:118349.

(137) Pérez-Méndez N, Andersson G, Requier F, Hipólito J, Aizen M, Morales C, García N, Gennari G y Garibaldi LA. 2020. The economic cost of losing native pollinator species for orchard production Journal of Applied Ecology 57:599-608.

(136) Valenta MD, Golluscio RA, Frey AL, Garibaldi LA y Cipriotti PA. 2020. Short-Term responses to sheep grazing in a Patagonian steppe. The Rangeland Journal 42:1-8.

(135) Goldenberg MG, Oddi FJ, Amoroso M y Garibaldi LA. 2020. Effects of harvesting intensity and site conditions on biomass production of northern Patagonia shrublands. European Journal of Forest Research.

(134) Vitantonio-Mazzini LN, Borrás L, Garibaldi LA, Pérez DH, Gallo S y Gambin BL. 2020. Management options for reducing maize yield gaps in contrasting sowing dates. Field Crop Research 251:107779.

(133) Garibaldi LA, Sáez A, Aizen M. Fijen T y Bartomeus I. 2020. Crop pollination management needs flower visitor monitoring and target values. Journal of Applied Ecology 57:664-670.

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(132) Requier F, Andersson GKS, Oddi FJ y Garibaldi LA. 2020. Citizen science in developing countries: how to improve volunteer participation? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18:101-108.

(131) Carron A, Garibaldi LA, Marquez S y Fontenla S. 2020. The soil fungal community of native woodland in Andean Patagonian forest: a case study considering experimental forest management and seasonal effects. Forest Ecology and Management 461:117955.

(130) Halinski R, Garibaldi LA, dos Santos CF, Acosta AL, Dornelles Guidi D y Blochtein B. 2020. Forest fragments and natural vegetation patches within crop fields contribute to higher oilseed rape yields in Brazil. Agricultural Systems 180:102768.

(129) Carvalheiro LG, Biesmeijer JC, Franzén M, Aguirre-Gutierrez J, Garibaldi LA, et al. 2020. Soil eutrophication shaped the composition of pollinator assemblages during the past century. Ecography 43:209-221.

(128) Nacif M, Kitzberger T y Garibaldi LA. 2020. Positive outcomes between herbivore diversity and tree survival: responses to management intensity in a Patagonian forest. Forest Ecology and Management 458:117738.

(127) Díaz S, Zafra-Calvo N, Obura D, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2020. Synthesizing the scientific evidence to inform the development of the post-2020 Global Framework on Biodiversity. Earth Commission Meeting Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, Convention on Biological Diversity. CBD/SBSTTA/24/inf/9.

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(126) Díaz S, Settele J, Brondízio E, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2020. Response to Investments’ role in ecosystem degradation. Science 368:377.

(125) Díaz S, Settele J, Brondízio E, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2019. Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to the need for transformative change. Science 366:eaax3100.

(124) Dainese M, Martin EA, et al. Garibaldi LA, et al., Steffan-Dewenter I. 2019. A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production. Science Advances 5:eaax0121.

(123) Aizen MA, Aguiar S, Biesmeijer JC, Garibaldi LA, et al. 2019. Global agricultural productivity is threatened by increasing pollinator dependence without a parallel increase in crop diversification. Global Change Biology 25:3516-3527.

(122) Durigon A, Paiva Pereira A, Felipe Viana B, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2019. A biodiversidade que gera frutos no semiárido:o caso da goiabeira. 1a ed., 90 págs., Editorial UFS, Brasil. ISBN:978-85-7822-683-1.

(121) Behrends Kraemer F, Hallett PD, Morrás H, Garibaldi LA, Cosentino D, Duval M, Galantini J. 2019. Soil stabilisation by water repellency under no-till management for soils with contrasting mineralogy and carbon quality. Geoderma 355:113902.

(120) Oddi FJ, Goldengerg MG, Cardozo Y y Garibaldi LA. 2019. Manejo de matorrales y bioenergía. Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Ecología de Paisajes 9:58-61.

(119) Oddi FJ, Miguez FE, Ghermandi L, Bianchi LO y Garibaldi LA. 2019. A nonlinear mixed-effects modelling approach for ecological data: Using temporal dynamics of vegetation moisture as an example. Ecology and Evolution 9:10225-10240.

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(118) Garibaldi LA y Pérez-Méndez. 2019. Positive outcomes between crop diversity and agricultural employment worldwide. Ecological Economics. 164:106358.

(117) Coulin C, Aizen MA y Garibaldi LA. 2019. Contrasting responses of plants and pollinators to woodland disturbance. Austral Ecology 44:1040-1051.

(116) Martin E, Dainese M, Clough Y, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2019. The interplay of landscape composition and configuration: new pathways to manage functional biodiversity and agro-ecosystem services across Europe. Ecology Letters 22:1083-1094. 

(115) Díaz S, Settele J, Brondízio, et al., Garibaldi LA, et al. 2019. IPBES: Summary for policymakers of the global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Bonn, Alemania.


(114) Garibaldi LA, Pérez-Méndez N, Garratt MPD, Gemmill-Herren B, Miguez FE, Dicks LV. 2019. Policies for ecological intensification of crop production. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 34:282-286.


(113) Garibaldi LA, Oddi FJ, Aristimuño FJ y Behnisch AN. 2019. Modelos estadísticos en lenguaje R. 1a ed., 262 páginas, Editorial UNRN. ISBN 978-987-4960-05-4.

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(112) Rollin O y Garibaldi LA. 2019. Impacts of honey bee density on crop yield: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology 56:1152-1163.


(111) Perelman SB y Garibaldi LA. 2019. El control de la heterogeneidad. Cap. 3 en Experimentación y modelos estadísticos (eds. Perelman SB, Garibaldi LA yTognetti PM), 1a ed., 348 págs, Editorial FAUBA, Bs. As. ISBN 978-987-3738-22-7.

(110) Perelman SB y Garibaldi LA. 2019. Análisis de la varianza y modelo. Cap. 2 en Experimentación y modelos estadísticos (eds. Perelman SB, Garibaldi LAy Tognetti PM), 1a ed., 348 págs, Editorial FAUBA, Bs. As. ISBN 978-987-3738-22-7. 

(109) Perelman SB y Garibaldi LA. 2019. Experimentación y modelos estadísticos. Cap. 1 en Experimentación y modelos estadísticos (eds. Perelman SB, Garibaldi LA y Tognetti PM), 1a ed., 348 págs, Editorial FAUBA, Bs. As. ISBN 978-987-3738-22-7.

(108) Perelman SB, Garibaldi LA y Tognetti PM – eds. 2019. Experimentación y modelos estadísticos, 1a ed., 348 págs, Editorial FAUBA, Bs. As. ISBN 978-987-3738-22-7.

(107) Kleijn D, Bommarco R, Fijen T, Garibaldi LA, Potts S y Van der Putten W. 2019. Ecological intensification: bridging the gap between science and practice. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 34:154:166.

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(106) Aizen MA, Smith-Ramírez C, Morales CL, Vieli L, Sáez A, Barahona-Segovia RM, Arbetman MP, Montalva J, Garibaldi LA, Inouye DW y Harder LD. 2019. Coordinated species importation policies are needed to reduce serious invasions globally: The case of alien bumble bees in South America. Journal of Applied Ecology 56:100-106.

(105) Requier F, Antúnez K, Morales CL, Sánchez PA, Castilhos D, Garrido PM, Giacobino A, Reynaldi FJ, Rosso Londoño JM, Santos E y Garibaldi LA. 2018. Trends in beekeeping and honey bee colony losses in Latin America. Journal of Apicultural Research 57:657-662.

(104) CONADIBIO, Garibaldi LA y otros. 2018. Situación de los polinizadores en la Argentina: Propuestas para su conservación. Dirección Nacional de Biodiversidad (DNBI), Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Nación, Poder Ejecutivo Nacional, República Argentina.


(103) Garibaldi LA, Andersson GKS, Fernández Ferrari C y Pérez-Méndez N. 2018. Seguridad alimentaria, medio ambiente y nuestros hábitos de consumo:Algunas respuestas. Ecología Austral 28:A009-A009.

(102) Garibaldi LA, Andersson GKS, Fernández Ferrari C y Pérez-Méndez N. 2018. Seguridad alimentaria, medio ambiente y nuestros hábitos de consumo. Ecología Austral 28:572-580.

(101) Oddi FJ, Aristimuño FJ, Coulin C y Garibaldi LA. 2018. Ambigüedades en términos científicos: sobre el uso del “error” y el “sesgo” en estadística. Ecología Austral 28:525-536.

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(100) Goldenberg MG, Gowda JH, Casas C y Garibaldi LA. 2018. Efecto de la tasa de descuento sobre la priorización de alternativas de manejo del matorral Norpatagónico argentino. Bosque 39:217-226.

(99) Galetto L, Garibaldi LA y Aizen MA. 2018. El valor de los polinizadores. Investigación y Ciencia, Agosto 2018.

(98) Agüero JI, Rollin O, Torretta JP, Aizen MA, Requier F y Garibaldi LA. 2018. Impactos de la abeja melífera sobre plantas y abejas silvestres en hábitats naturales. Ecosistemas 27:60-69.

(97) Garibaldi LA, Cunningham SA, Aizen MA, Packer L y Harder LD. 2018. The potential for insect pollinators to alleviate global pollination deficits and enhance yield of fruit and seed crops. Cap. 3.1 en The pollination of cultivated plants: A compendium for practitioners Volume One (ed. Roubik D). FAO, Roma. ISBN 978-92-5-130512-6.

(96) Pengue W, Gemmill-Herren B, Balázs B, Ortega E, Viglizzo E, Acevedo F, Diaz DN, Díaz de Astarloa D, Fernandez R, Garibaldi LA, Giampetro M, Goldberg A, Khosla A y Westhoek H. 2018. ‘Eco-agri-food systems’: today’s realities and tomorrow’s challenges. In TEEB for Agriculture & Food: Scientific and Economic Foundations. Geneva: UN Environment. ISBN: 978-92-807-3702-8.

(95) Arrigoni JP, Paladino G, Garibaldi LA y Laos F. 2018. Inside the small-scale composting of kitchen and garden wastes: thermal performance and stratification effect in vertical compost bins. Waste Management 76:284-293.

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(94) Garibaldi LA, Andersson GKS, Requier F, Fijen TPM, Hipólito J, Kleijn D, Pérez-Méndez N y Rollin O. 2018. Complementarity and synergisms among ecosystem services supporting crop yield. Global Food Security 17:38-47.

(93) Requier F, Andersson GKS, Oddi FJ, Garcia N y Garibaldi LA. 2018. Perspectives from the survey of honeybee colony losses during 2015-16 in Argentina. Bee World 95:9-12.

(92) Coutinho JG, Garibaldi LA y Viana BF. 2018. The influence of local and landscape scale on single response traits in bees: a meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 256:61-73.

(91) Piazza MV, Garibaldi LA, Kitzberger T y Chaneton EJ. 2017. Impactos ecológicos del ganado extensivo en bosques de coihue. Macroscopia. 6:14-19.

(90) Gemmill-Herren B, Pondini S, Leippert F, Isler C, Hauser M, Probst L, El Bilali H, Amudavi D, Garibaldi LA y Ching LL. 2017. Beacons of Hope: Sustainable Food Systems and a Sustainability Transitions Framework. Biovision.

(89) D'Annolfo R, Gemmill-Herren B, Graeub B y Garibaldi LA. 2017. A review of social and economic performance of agroecology. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability DOI: 10.1080/14735903.2017.1398123.

(88) Morales CL, Sáez A, Garibaldi LA y Aizen MA. 2017. Disruption of pollination services by invasive pollinator species. Cap. 13 en Impact of biological invasions on ecosystem services (eds. Vila M y Hulme PE). Springer, 354 págs. ISBN 978-3-319-45121-3.

(87) Geslin B, Aizen MA, Garcia N, Pereira AJ, Vaissière BE y Garibaldi LA. 2017. The impact of honey bee colony quality on crop yield and farmers’ profit in apples and pears.  Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 248:153-161.

(86) Tálamo A, Arévalo EV, Martínez Gálvez FM, Garibaldi LA, Harmann SC, Díaz Leguizamón MA y Croce J. 2017. Control del arrastre de sedimentos post-incendio: efectividad de fajinas en un bosque seco montañoso (Salta-Argentina). Ecología Austral 27:415-420.

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(85) Garibaldi LA, Gemmill-Herren B, D’Annolfo R, Graeub BE, Cunningham SA y Breeze TD. 2017. Multi-dimensional performance of farming systems. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 32:721-722.

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(84)  Requier F, Garcia N, Andersson GKS, Oddi FJ y Garibaldi LA. 2017. La pérdida global de colonias de la abeja melífera: un mundo de encuestas donde las fronteras persisten. Apicultura Sin Fronteras 92:13-18.

(83) Giannini T, Costa W, Cordeiro G, Imperatriz-Fonseca V, Saraiva A, Biesmeijer J y Garibaldi LA. 2017. Projected climate change threatens pollinators and crop production in Brazil. PloS ONE 12:e0182274.

(82) Gundel PE, Helander M, Garibaldi LA, Vázquez-de-Aldana BR, Zabalgogeazcoa I y Saikkonen K. 2017. Direct and indirect effects of the fungal endophyte Epichloë uncinatum on litter decomposition of the host grass, Schedonorus pratensis. Plant Ecology 218:1107-1115.


(81) Rusch VE, López DR, Cavallero L, Rusch GM, Garibaldi LA, Grosfeld J y Peri PL. 2017. Modelo de estados y transiciones de los ñirantales del NO de la Patagonia como herramienta para el uso silvopastoril sustentable. Ecología Austral 27:266-278.  


(80) Sáez A, Morales CL, Garibaldi LA y Aizen MA. 2017. Invasive bumble bees reduce nectar availability for honey bees by robbing raspberry flower buds. Basic & Applied Ecology 19:26-35.

(79) Laterra P, Martín-López B, Mastrángelo M y Garibaldi LA. 2017. Servicios ecosistémicos en Latinoamérica. De la investigación a la acción. Ecología Austral 27:94-98.

(78) Garibaldi LA , Aristimuño FJ, Oddi FJ y Tiribelli F. 2017. Inferencia multimodelo en ciencias sociales y ambientales. Ecología Austral 27:348-363.


(77) Garibaldi LA, Aguiar S, Aizen MA, Morales CL y Sáez A. 2017. Respuesta a Alice Altesor a su comentario sobre “¿Diversidad o dominancia en la producción de alimentos? El caso de los polinizadores”. Ecología Austral 27:A03-A04.

(76) Garibaldi LA, Aguiar S, Aizen MA, Morales CL y Sáez A. 2017. ¿Diversidad o dominancia en la producción de alimentos? El caso de los polinizadores.  Ecología Austral 27:340-347.

(75) Garibaldi LA, Requier F, Rollin O y Andersson GKS. 2017. Towards an integrated species and habitat management of crop pollination. Current Opinion in Insect Science 21: 105-114.

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(74) Garibaldi LA, Gemmill-Herren B, D’Annolfo R, Graeub BE, Cunningham SA y Breeze TD. 2017. Farming approaches for greater biodiversity, livelihoods and food security. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 32:68-80.

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(73) Garibaldi LA. 2017.  Agriculture: les abeilles sont-elles indispensables? L’Ecologiste 49:29-32.

(72) Garibaldi LA. 2016. Prólogo en Iniciativa Colombiana de Polinizadores, Abejas, ICPA (ed. Nates Parra G). Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 364 págs. ISBN 978-958-775-866-5.

(71) Garibaldi LA y Azzu N. 2016. Multidimensional valuation of ecosystem services in agriculture. Anexo en Mainstreaming ecosystem services and biodiversity into agricultural production and Management in east Africa (ed. FAO y Convention on Biological Diversity). FAO, Roma, 170 págs. ISBN 978-92-5-109215-6.

(70) Garibaldi LA, Oddi FJ, Aristimuño FJ y Behnisch AN. 2016. Modelos generalizados aplicados a la economía en lenguaje R. 1a ed., 197 págs, Bariloche, Argentina. ISBN 978-987-42-3009-6. 

(69) Gallai N, Garibaldi LA, Li XS, Breeze T, Espirito Santo M, Rodriguez Fernandez J, et al. 2016. Economic valuation of pollinator gains and losses. Cap 4. en IPBES thematic assessment on pollinators, pollination and food production (eds Potts SG y Imperatriz-Fonseca VL). IPBES. 

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(68) Dirihan S, Helander M, Wäre H, Gundel PE, Garibaldi LA, Irisarri JGN, Saloniemi I y Saikkonen K. 2016. Geographic variation in Festuca rubra L. ploidy levels and systemic fungal endophyte frequencies. Plos ONE 11(11): e0166264. 

(67) Potts SG, Imperatriz-Fonseca V, Ngo HT, Aizen MA, Biesmeijer JC, Breeze TD, Dicks LV, Garibaldi LA, Hill R, Settele J y Vanbergen AJ. 2016. Safeguarding pollinators and their values to human well-being. Nature 540:220-229.

(66) Requier F, Garcia N, Andersson G, Oddi F y Garibaldi LA. 2016. Honey bee colony losses: what’s happening in South America? American Bee Journal November:1247-1250.

(65) Wasserstein R (ed). 2016. Declaración de la Asociación de Estadística Americana Sobre la Significancia Estadística y Los Valores- P [ASA Statement on Statistical Significance and P-values], suplemento en línea y traducción al español por Laco Mazzone F, Grampa M, Goldenberg M, Aristimuño F, Oddi F y Garibaldi LA, The American Statistician 70.

(64) Breeze TD, Galllai N, Garibaldi LA y Li X. 2016. Economic measures of pollination services: Shortcomings and Future Directions. TREE 31:927-939.

(63) Hipólito J, Viana BF y Garibaldi LA. 2016. The value of pollinator-friendly practices: synergies between natural and anthropogenic assets. Basic & Applied Ecology 17:659-667. 

(62) IPBES: Summary for policymakers of the assessment report of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services on pollinators, pollination and food production. 2016. Potts SG, Imperatriz-Fonseca VL, Ngo HT, Biesmeijer JC, Breeze TD, Dicks LV, Garibaldi LA, et al. (eds.). 36 págs, Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Bonn, Alemania. ISBN: 978-92-807-3568-0.

(61) Mazía N, Moyano J, Perez L, Aguiar S, Garibaldi LA y Schlichter T. 2016. The sign and magnitude of tree – grass interaction along a global environmental gradient. Global Ecology & Biogeography 25:1510-1519. 

(60) Tálamo A, Bermúdez R, Garibaldi LA y Chávez A. 2016. Erosión y escorrentía en respuesta a lluvias simuladas en laderas quemadas y no quemadas (Salta-Argentina). Ciencia del Suelo 34:105-111.

(59) Gambín BL, Coyos T, Di Mauro G, Borrás L y Garibaldi LA. 2016. Exploring genotype, management, and environmental variables influencing grain yield of late-sown maize in central Argentina. Agricultural Systems 146: 11-19.

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(58) Garibaldi LA, Dondo M, Hipólito J, Azzu N, Viana BF y Kasina M. 2016. A quantitative approach to the socio-economic valuation of pollinator-friendly practices: a protocol for its use. 1era ed., 55 págs, Editorial FAO, Roma. ISBN 978-92-5-109149-4.

(57) Garibaldi LA, Casas C, Goldenberg M, Gowda J, Heinemann K, Kitzberger T, et al. 2016. Silvicultura del ciprés de la cordillera: ¿una alternativa rentable y sustentable para la provincia de Río Negro? En: Investigación forestal 2011-2015: los proyectos de investigación aplicada (ed.: Llavallol CI). Ministerio de Agroindustria - Unidad para el cambio rural – UCAR, 428 págs., ISBN 978-987-1873-41-8.

(56) Gundel PE, Helander M, Garibaldi LA, Vázquez-de-Aldana BR, Zabalgogeazcoa I y Saikkonen K. 2016. Role of foliar fungal endophytes on litter decomposition among species and population origins. Fungal Ecology 21:50-56.

(55) Piazza MV, Garibaldi LA, Kitzberger T y Chaneton EJ. 2016. Impact of introduced herbivores on understory vegetation along a regional moisture gradient in Patagonian beech forests. Forest Ecology and Management 366:11-22.

(54) Garibaldi LA, Carvalheiro LG, Vaissière BE, Gemmill-Herren B, Hipólito J, Freitas BM, Ngo HT, et al. 2016. Mutually beneficial pollinator diversity and crop yield outcomes in small and large farms. Science 351: 388-391.

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(53) Rader R, Bartomeus I, Garibaldi LA, Garrat MDP, Howlett B, Cunningham SA, et al. 2016. Non-bee insects are important contributors to global crop pollination. PNAS 113:146-151.


(52) Dondo M, Monsalvo M y Garibaldi LA. 2016. Determinantes de la equidad en el financiamiento de los medicamentos en Argentina. Un estudio empírico.Cadernos de Saúde Pública (Reports in Public Health)32:e00012215.


(51) Freitas BM, Vaissière B, Saraiva A, Cavalheiro LG, Garibaldi LA y Ngo H. 2016. Identifying and assessing pollination deficits in crops. Cap. 2 en Pollination services to agriculture: sustaining and enhancing a key ecosystem service (ed. Gemmill-Herren B.). Routledge, 310 págs. ISBN 978-1138904408.

(50) Garibaldi LA, Aizen MA, Cunningham SA, Harder LD y Klein AM. 2016. Incremental contribution of pollination and other ecosystem services to agricultural productivity: effects of service quantity and quality. Cap. 3 en Pollination services to agriculture: sustaining and enhancing a key ecosystem service (ed. Gemmill-Herren B). Routledge, 310 págs. ISBN 978-1138904408.

(49) Landesmann J, Gowda J, Garibaldi LA y Kitzberger T. 2015. Survival, growth and vulnerability to drought in fire refuges: implications for the persistence of a fire-sensitive conifer in northern Patagonia. Oecologia.

(48) Gemmill-Herren B, Miller D, Declerck F, Garibaldi LA, Hamm M, Myers P y Zhan W. 2015. Eco-Agri-Food systems. Cap. 1 en TEEB for Agriculture & Food: an interim report (Müller A, Nierenberg D, Sukhdev P y Wittmer H). Ed. United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva, Switzerland, 124 págs. 

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(47) Garibaldi LA, Dondo M, Freitas BM, Hipólito J, Pires CSS, Sales V, Viana B y Vilar MB. 2015. Aplicações do protocolo de avaliação socioeconômica de práticas amigáveis aos polinizadores no Brasil. 1a ed., 71 págs., Editorial Funbio, Río De Janeiro. ISBN 978-85-89368-35-3.

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(46) Garibaldi LA, Bartomeus I, Bommarco R, Klein AM, Cunningham SA, Aizen MA, et al. 2015. Trait matching of flower visitors and crops predicts fruit set better than trait diversity. Journal of Applied Ecology 52:1436-1444. 

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(45) Giannini TC, Garibaldi LA, Acosta AL, Silva JS, Maia KP, Saraiva AM, et al. 2015. Native and non-native supergeneralist bee species have different impacts on plant-bee networks. Plos One 10:e0137198.

(44) Tálamo A, Barchuk AH, Garibaldi LA, Trucco CE, Cardozo S y Mohr F. 2015. Disentangling the effects of shrubs and herbivores on tree regeneration in a dry Chaco forest (Argentina). Oecologia.

(43) Garibaldi LA y Mazía CN. 2014. Recuadro 5: Insectos en bosques de lenga. En: Cap. 4 – Herbívoros: actores clave, del libro Ecología e historia natural de la Patagonia andina (eds.: Raffaele E, Morales CL, de Torres Curth M y Kitzberger T). Fundación de Historial Natural Feliz de Azara, 256 págs. ISBN 978-987-3781-01-8.

(42) Gowda JH, Garibaldi LA y Kitzberger T. 2014. Recuadro 1: El hombre y el bosque, una relación muy dinámica. En: Cap. 9 – El paisaje Patagónico y su gente, del libro Ecología e historia natural de la Patagonia andina (eds. Raffaele E, Morales CL, de Torres Curth M y Kitzberger T). Fundación de Historial Natural Feliz de Azara, 256 págs. ISBN 978-987-3781-01-8.

(41) Gowda JH, Garibaldi LA, Pirk G, Blackhall M, Chaneton EJ, de Paz M, et al. 2014. Herbívoros: actores clave. Cap. 4 en Ecología e historia natural de la Patagonia andina (eds. Raffaele E, Morales CL, de Torres Curth M y Kitzberger T). Fundación de Historial Natural Feliz de Azara, 256 págs. ISBN 978-987-3781-01-8.

(40) Cavallero L, Ojeda V, Chaneton EJ, Farji-Brener A, Chazarreta L, Chalcoff V, Kitzberger T, Lescano N, Garibaldi LA, et al. 2014. Interacciones Complejas.Cap. 6 en Ecología e historia natural de la Patagonia andina (eds. Raffaele E, Morales CL, de Torres Curth M y Kitzberger T). Fundación de Historial Natural Feliz de Azara, 256 págs. ISBN 978-987-3781-01-8.


(39) Garibaldi LA, Casas C y Biganzoli F. 2014. Datos jerárquicos en ciencias ambientales: ejemplos prácticos y análisis de modelos jerárquicos en lenguaje R. 1a ed, 242 páginas, Bariloche. ISBN: 978-987-33-6434-1.

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(38) Garibaldi LA, Carvalheiro LG, Leonhardt SD, Aizen MA, Blaauw BR, Isaacs R, et al. 2014. From research to action: practices to enhance crop yield through wild pollinators. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12:439-447.

(37) Viana BF, da Encarnacao Coutinho JG, Garibaldi LA, Braganca Gastagnino GL, Gramacho KP y Oliveira da Silva F. 2014. Stingless bee further improve apple pollination and production. Journal of Pollination Ecology 14:261-269.

(36) Aizen MA, Morales CL, Vázquez DP, Garibaldi LA, Sáez A y Harder LD. 2014. When mutualism goes bad: density-dependent impacts of introduced bees on plant reproduction. New Phytologist 204:322-328.

(35) Gundel PE, Garibaldi LA, Wali PR, Helander M, Dirihan S y Saikkonen K. 2014. Fungal endophyte mediated occurrence of seminiferous and pseudoviviparous panicles in Festuca rubra. Fungal diversity 66:69-76.

(34) Chaneton EJ, Mazía N, Garibaldi LA, Chaij J y Kitzberger T. 2014. Impact of volcanic ash deposition on foliar productivity and insect herbvory in northern Patagonia deciduous forests. Ecología Austral 24:51-63.

(33) Steward PR, Shackelford G, Carvalheiro LG, Benton TG, Garibaldi LA y Sait SM. 2014. Pollination and biological control research: are we neglecting two billion smallholders? Agriculture & Food Security 3:5.

(32) Quintero C, Garibaldi LA, Grez A, Polidori C y Nieves-Aldrey JL. 2014. Galls of the temperate forest of southern South America: Argentina and Chile.Capítulo 21 en Neotropical Insect Galls (eds. Fernandes GW y Santos JC). Springer.

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(31) Garibaldi LA, Steffan-Dewenter I, Winfree R, Aizen MA, Bommarco R, Cunningham SA, Kremen C, et al. 2013. Wild pollinators enhance fruit set of crops regardless of honey-bee abundance. Science 339:1608-1611.

(30) Kraemer FB, Chagas CI, Cosentino DA y Garibaldi LA. 2013. Adsorption and affinity of Escherichia coli to different aggregate sizes of a silty clay soil. International Journal of Sediment Research 28:535-543.

(29) Delaplane DS, Dag A, Danka RG, Freitas BM, Garibaldi LA, Goodwin RM y Hormaza IH. 2013. Standard methods for pollination research with Apis mellifera. Journal of Apicultural Research 52. 

(28) Longo G, Seidler TG, Garibaldi LA, Tognetti PM y Chaneton EJ. 2013. Functional group dominance and identity effects influence the magnitude of grassland invasion. Journal of Ecology.

(27) Leonhardt SD, Gallai N, Garibaldi LA, Kuhlmann M y Klein AM. 2013. Economic gain, stability of pollination and bee diversity decrease from southern to northern Europe. Basic and Applied Ecology 14:461-471. 

(26) Gundel PE, Garibaldi LA, Helander M y Saikkonen K. 2013. Symbiotic interactions as drivers of trade-offs in plants: effects of the fungal endophyte on tall fescue. Fungal diversity 60:5-14. 

(25) Kennedy C, Lonsdorf E, Neel MC, Williams NM, Ricketts TH, Winfree R, et al. , Garibaldi LA, et al. 2013. A global quantitative synthesis of local and landscape effects on native bee pollinators in agroecosystems. Ecology Letters 16:584-599. 

(24) Kraemer FB, Chagas CI, Morrás H, Moretton J, Paz M y Garibaldi LA. 2013. Influence of physical and chemical soil properties on the adsorption of E. coli in Mollisols and Alfisols of Argentina. Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental 29:7-20.

(23) Dondo MB, de Torres Curth M y Garibaldi LA. 2013. Demography and socioeconomic vulnerability influence fire occurrence in Bariloche (Argentina).Landscape and Urban Planning 110:64-73.

(22) Christianini AV., Galetto L, Garibaldi LA y Cetra M. 2013. Ecologia Aplicada à Conservação. En: Conservação da biodiversidade: dos conceitos às açoes (ed. Piratelli AJ y Francisco MR). Technical Books Editora, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

(21)  Garibaldi LA y Paritsis J. Cambio climático e insectos herbívoros. 2012. Ciencia Hoy 23:47-55. 

(20) Garibaldi LA, Morales CL, Ashworth L, Chacoff NP y Aizen MA. Los polinizadores en la agricultura. 2012. Ciencia Hoy 21:35-43. 

(19) Gundel PE, Garibaldi LA, Martínez-Ghersa MA y Ghersa CM. 2012. Trade-off between seed number and weight: influence of a grass-endophyte symbiosis.Basic and Applied Ecology 13:32-39. 

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(18) Garibaldi LA, Steffan-Dewenter I, Kremen C, Morales JM, Bommarco R, Cunningham SA, et al. 2011. Stability of pollination services decreases with isolation from natural areas despite honey bee visits. Ecology Letters 14:1062-1072. 

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(17) Garibaldi LA, Kitzberger T y Chaneton EJ. 2011. Environmental and genetic control of insect abundance and herbivory along a forest elevational gradient. Oecologia 167:117-129. 

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(16) Garibaldi LA, Aizen MA, Klein AM, Cunningham SA y Harder LD. 2011. Global growth and stability in agricultural yield decrease with pollinator dependence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108:5909-5914. 

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(15) Garibaldi LA, Kitzberger T y Ruggiero A. 2011. Latitudinal decrease in folivory within Nothofagus pumilio forests: dual effect of climate on insect density and leaf traits? Global Ecology & Biogeography 20:609-619. 

(14) Garibaldi LA, Muchhala N, Motzke I, Bravo-Monroy L, Olschewski R y Klein AM. 2011. Services from plant-pollinator interactions in the Neotropics. En: Ecosystem services from agriculture and agroforestry: measurement and payment (eds. Rapidel B, DeClerck F, Le Coq JF y Beer J). Earthscan, London, UK, págs. 119-139. 

(13) Kraemer FB, Chagas CI, Irurtia C y Garibaldi LA. 2011. Bacterial retention in three soils of the Rolling Pampa, Argentina, under simulated rainfall. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management 2:341-353. 

(12) Gundel PE, Garibaldi LA, Martínez-Ghersa MA y Ghersa CM. 2011. Neotyphodium endophyte transmission to Lolium multiflorum seeds depends on the host plant fitness. Environmental and Experimental Botany 71:359-366. 

(11) Chacoff NP, Morales CL, Garibaldi LA, Ashworth L y Aizen MA. 2010. Pollinator dependence of Argentinean agriculture: current status and temporal analysis. The Americas Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 3 (Special Issue 1):106-116. 

(10) Garibaldi LA, Kitzberger T, Mazía CN y Chaneton EJ. 2010. Nutrient supply and bird predation additively control insect herbivory and tree growth in two contrasting forest habitats. Oikos 119:337-349.

(9) Aizen MA, Garibaldi LA, Cunningham SA y Klein AM. 2009. How much does agriculture depend on pollinators?Lessons from long-term trends in crop production. Annals of Botany 103:1579–1588. 

(8) Mazía CN, Chaneton EJ, Kitzberger T y Garibaldi LA. 2009. Variable strength of top-down effects in Nothofagus  forests: bird predation and insect herbivory during an ENSO event. Austral Ecology 34:359-367. 

(7) Aizen MA, Garibaldi LA y Dondo MB. 2009. Expansión de la soja y diversidad de la agricultura argentina. Ecología Austral 19:45-54. 

(6) Gundel PE, Garibaldi LA, Tognetti PM, Aragón R, Ghersa CM y Omacini M. 2009. Imperfect vertical transmission of the endophyte Neotyphodium in exotic grasses in grasslands of the Flooding Pampa. Microbial Ecology 57:740-748. 

(5) Garibaldi LA, Aizen MA, Cunningham SA y Klein AM. 2009. Pollinator shortage and global crop yield: looking at the whole spectrum of pollinator dependency. Communicative & Integrative Biology 2:37-39. 

(4) Gundel PE, Martínez-Ghersa MA, Garibaldi LA y Ghersa CM. 2009. Viability of Neotyphodium endophytic fungus and endophyte-infected and non-infectedLolium multiflorum seeds. Botany 87:88-96. 

(3) Aizen MA, Garibaldi LA, Cunningham SA y Klein AM. 2008. Long-term global trends in crop yield and production reveal no current pollination shortage but increasing pollinator dependency. Current Biology 18:1-4. 

(2) Semmartin M, Garibaldi LA y Chaneton EJ. 2008. Grazing history effects on above- and below-ground litter decomposition and nutrient cycling in two co-occurring grasses. Plant and Soil 303:177-189. 

(1)  Garibaldi LA, Semmartin M y Chaneton EJ. 2007. Grazing-induced changes in plant composition affect litter quality and nutrient cycling in Flooding Pampa grasslands. Oecologia 151:650-662. 

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